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Trinity Media Group - Refreshing Media and Entertainment
Media Broking Other Projects Media Consultancy Trinity Records Trinity Publishing Music Promotion Trinity Management




Dutty Fam is an organised collective of young peoples comprised of singers, songwriters, producers, musicians, DJs, actors, actresses and other artists’ from the arts and entertainment industry. Dutty Fam is committed to artist development and value enhancement of its assets without compromising artistic integrity for commercial success. Dutty Fam knows the quality build process of an organised structure that will survive all its present residents is no sprint but, indeed, a marathon.


The Dutty Fam concept is the brainchild of none other than Slim Dutty and Slim has faithfully agreed to have the Trinity companies manage and foster its commercial interests while creatively Slim Dutty and his team get down to establishing the creative interests and develop those same assets for the commercial markets.


Dutty Fam’s offering of education and community projects as well as commercial and entertainment products to the youth marketplace is closely guarded and will be disclosed in due course.



Trinity Records look after all aspects of the following artists

Slim Dutty
There is no questioning Slim’s ability to carry out his threats for urban UK domination.

Video Samples
Look 2 Good
Party Wid Me
Blood Puddles

Audio Samples
Look 2 Good
Album Samples

Images - Slideshows
Image Set 1
Image Set 2
Image Set 3

Scrapbook and Press
Press Cuts
Look 2 Good
Album Notes